Circular buffers are pretty much what they sound like – arrays that wrap around. They’re fantastically useful as scratch space for audio processing, and generally passing audio around efficiently.
They’re designed for FIFO (first-in-first-out) use, like storing audio coming in the microphone for later playback or processing.
Consider a naive alternative: You copy the incoming audio into an NSData you allocate, and then pass that NSData off. This means you’re allocating memory each time, and deallocating the memory later once you’re done processing. That allocation incurs a penalty, which can be a show-stopper when part of an audio pipeline – The Core Audio documentation advises against any allocations when within a render callback, for example.
Alternatively, you can allocate space in advance, and write to that, but that has problems too: Either you have a synchronisation nightmare, or you spend lots of time moving bytes around so that the unprocessed audio is always at the beginning of the array.
A better solution is to use a circular buffer, where data goes in at the head, and is read from the tail. When you produce data at the head, the head moves up the array, and wraps around at the end. When you consume at the tail, the tail moves up too, so the tail chases the head around the circle.
Here’s a simple C implementation I recently put together for my app Loopy: TPCircularBuffer
typedef struct { void *buffer; int32_t length; int32_t tail; int32_t head; volatile int32_t fillCount; } TPCircularBuffer; bool TPCircularBufferInit(TPCircularBuffer *buffer, int32_t length); void TPCircularBufferCleanup(TPCircularBuffer *buffer); void TPCircularBufferClear(TPCircularBuffer *buffer); // Reading (consuming) void* TPCircularBufferTail(TPCircularBuffer *buffer, int32_t* availableBytes); void TPCircularBufferConsume(TPCircularBuffer *buffer, int32_t amount); // Writing (producing) void* TPCircularBufferHead(TPCircularBuffer *buffer, int32_t* availableBytes); void TPCircularBufferProduce(TPCircularBuffer *buffer, int32_t amount); int TPCircularBufferProduceBytes(TPCircularBuffer *buffer, const void* src, int32_t len); |
Update: The implementation has been recently amended to make use of a neat virtual memory mapping technique that inserts a virtual copy of the buffer memory directly after the buffer’s end, negating the need for any buffer wrap-around logic. Clients can simply use the returned memory address as if it were contiguous space.
The virtual memory technique was originally proposed by Philip Howard, and adapted to Darwin by Kurt Revis.
Use TPCircularBufferHead
to get a pointer to write to the buffer, followed by TPCircularBufferProduce
to submit the written data, then TPCircularBufferTail
to get a pointer to the next data to read, followed by TPCircularBufferConsume
to free up the space once processed.
is a convenience routine for writing data straight to the buffer.
The implementation is thread-safe (no need for locks) in the case of a single producer and single consumer.
Here’s an example, using circular buffers to implement a simple playthrough scheme that plays audio coming in the microphone:
@interface MyAudioController : NSObject { TPCircularBuffer buffer; } @end #define kBufferLength 1024 @implementation MyAudioController - (void)setup { // Initialise buffer TPCircularBufferInit(&buffer, kBufferLength); // Setup audio, etc } - (void)dealloc { // Release buffer resources TPCircularBufferCleanup(&buffer); [super dealloc]; } static OSStatus audioInputCallback(void *inRefCon, AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags, const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp, UInt32 inBusNumber, UInt32 inNumberFrames, AudioBufferList *ioData) { MyAudioController *THIS = (MyAudioController *)inRefCon; // Render audio into buffer AudioBufferList bufferList; bufferList.mNumberBuffers = 1; bufferList.mBuffers[0].mNumberChannels = 2; bufferList.mBuffers[0].mData = NULL; bufferList.mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize = inNumberFrames * sizeof(SInt16) * 2; OSStatus err = AudioUnitRender(THIS->ioAudioUnit, ioActionFlags, inTimeStamp, kInputBus, inNumberFrames, &bufferList); if ( !checkResultLite(err, "AudioUnitRender") ) { return err; } // Put audio into circular buffer TPCircularBufferProduceBytes(&THIS->buffer, bufferList.mBuffers[0].mData, inNumberFrames * 2 * sizeof(SInt16)); } static OSStatus audioOutputCallback(void *inRefCon, AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags, const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp, UInt32 inBusNumber, UInt32 inNumberFrames, AudioBufferList *ioData) { MyAudioController *THIS = (MyAudioController *)inRefCon; int bytesToCopy = ioData->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize; SInt16 *targetBuffer = (SInt16*)ioData->mBuffers[0].mData; // Pull audio from playthrough buffer int32_t availableBytes; SInt16 *buffer = TPCircularBufferTail(&THIS->buffer, &availableBytes); memcpy(targetBuffer, buffer, MIN(bytesToCopy, availableBytes)); TPCircularBufferConsume(&THIS->buffer, sampleCount); return noErr; } @end |
Thanks so much for this post. I’ve been trying to research a good way to use circular buffers for a long time. How would you pull samples from a file? Is extaudiofileread the best option? Should it be called in a loop on a different thread?
Thanks again for your help! Your posts have been invaluable.
My pleasure! Glad it’s helpful.
It depends on the kind of file – if you’re reading a file that’s linear PCM and much the same as your target format, then you may find the AudioFile routines adequate; I think ExtAudioFile is a wrapper around AudioFile that takes care of compressed formats and such, but it may be overkill if you’re just loading a caf, for example.
As far as loading in a different thread goes, that somewhat depends on your setup, and how much your app’s doing at once. I’d start by putting the loading stuff just in the render thread, and see how it performs. If it’s glitchy, then move it offline, and use something like a circular buffer to ferry the audio data around.
It may be useful to check out the ring buffer impl. by Kurt Revis at
His PlayBufferedSoundFile ( ) brilliantly uses memory mapping to make the buffer wrap-around transparently, plus the locking model there is quite effective. Cheers.
Wow, thanks for the heads-up, Andrey – That implementation looks fantastic. Very clever use of the memory map!
Thanks! What kind of license does the code fall under?
Hey Jan – I haven’t actually got a particular license in mind, but it’s basically free for any kind of use you wish, commercial or otherwise, but warranty-free. That old chestnut. Go for it =)
(Also if you’re deciding upon an implementation, be sure to check out Kurt Revis’s implementation that Andrey mentioned above, as well – it’s great)
I’ve been looking into circular buffers for use in AudioUnits – this looks great! Do you have any experience in implementing such a buffer in the AudioUnit’s ‘Process’ method?
I can’t say I do, no, but is there anything in particular you’re wondering about? There shouldn’t be any particularly special circumstances there.
Ah, okay that’s good to know. I’m pretty new to C/C++ so I’ve just got to work out how to implement this code into my current project. The callback function gives me standard buffers, from which I make the circular buffers, I’m guessing?
So in my standard callback routine, I’ll do something like this:
Is that right? I’d like to understand the method before I begin the implementation!
Hey James,
Almost – except ‘consume’ is what you do at the other end. You want to get a buffer to the available audio samples, the length of which will be indicated by the parameters – use that length, rather then any fixed value. Then, copy that buffer into the ring buffer. Use the ‘copy’ function for that, as it’s easiest – or you can do it manually then call ‘produce’, using the ‘space’ function to get an indication of how much space is available in the buffer.
Then, in the place where you use the samples, you obtain the fill count of the ring buffer, grab a number of samples ≤ the fill count, process the samples, then call ‘consume’ to indicate that you’ve consumed the samples and that part of the ring buffer is now free.
Great! Every little bit of knowledge brings me a step closer. At the moment I’m getting build errors on line 15 of this:
The error is:
Undefined symbols:
“TPCircularBufferInit(TPCircularBufferRecord*, int)”, referenced from:
StereoEffect3::StereoEffect3(ComponentInstanceRecord*)in StereoEffect3-1DB483EC8D75827.o
StereoEffect3::StereoEffect3(ComponentInstanceRecord*)in StereoEffect3-1DB483EC8D75827.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Do you have any idea about why it can’t access the functions?
Hi James,
I’m not quite sure, but I have noticed that the c++ compiler/linker sometimes has trouble linking with c/obj-c sources. Maybe try renaming TPCircularBuffer.c to .cpp?
Oh that seems to have at least got rid of that error. It has now introduced 2 errors in the TPCircularBuffer.cpp, but I’m guessing that’s more because the syntax between Obj-C and C++ is different. I’ll look into that now. Thanks again Michael!
This is weird. That second error has gone but I’m left with the first error. Renaming to .cpp didn’t make much of a difference! I must be doing something fundamentally wrong here.
I’ve had the same problem – one possible issue is that you added the files into the project but they were not included in Targets -> Build Phases -> Compile Sources.
After I added the TPCircularBuffer.c file the problem went away.
Hope this helps others who are reading this.
Not sure if it matters anymore, but I’ll post my solution anyways, in case somebody else is having the same problem as well.
When you import the header, instead of writing
import TPCircularBuffer.h
Just write the following :
extern “C” {
include “TPCircularBuffer.h”
If anyone’s watching this thread and using TPCircularBuffer, I recommend grabbing the latest version – I replaced the atomic increment with one that includes a memory barrier, which I should’ve done in the first place. This ensures that the head/tail pointer is stored to memory before altering the fill count, for better thread safety.
Hi Michael.
I think this sample may suit my current needs quite well. I have been loading very small mp3s into audio buffer lists but now I’m using very large mp3s and quickly running out of memory. Do you reckon I could use this to only read data from an mp3 on disk as I need it?
I have a remote IO that calls a callback that reads pcm from memory. Would it sound wise to you to:
Replace the pcm from memory code with code that checks the amount of space left in the buffer. If the space left is equal to the buffer length , start extracting more mp3 into the buffer?
Or….. should be my check to see when I need to extract more mp3 data be more along the lines when the space left is equal to have the lenght to give the audio more time to extract?
I’m not 100% sure I understood your question, but I think you’re wondering when to trigger a load of more audio data – at the buffer empty point, or at the half -empty point. The ‘low water mark’ trigger really depends on a number of factors (like where you’re doing the load, and how much you’re using the processor, which dictates how fast you’ll load the audio).
Firstly, are you performing the file load from within the Remote IO thread, or from an offline thread?
If it’s the former (loading from the Remote IO thread), then it doesn’t matter where your low water mark is. In fact, it’s quite meaningless, as you don’t even strictly need to manage a separate buffer: you can just load more data each time the callback is called. If you’re doing it this way, keep an eye on the audio performance, though. If you get stuttering, you’ll need to move the load to an offline thread. (You’ll notice the Remote IO sample code often says “Don’t hold locks, don’t take time” in the callback, ‘cos you have a tight deadline).
If it’s the latter (loading from an offline thread), then I suggest you find your trigger empirically – you definitely want it above the buffer empty point, or else you’ll starve the IO thread, of course. Start with, say, 2 * the IO audio buffer length, and see how it goes. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen sample code around that does this – I seem to remember it using the term “low water mark” too, so maybe search for that, for ideas.
Good luck.
You actually understood the question 100% correctly :)
Originally when I was dealing with tiny mp3s the entire file load was done outside of the remote IO even before the auGraph begun. Then in my remote IO I was just happily reading from memory.
There’s a lot of processing going on in my callback such as sample by sample effects. I’m already pushing things very close to the deadline so I reckon my file open -> file property -> file seek-> file read process will have to be done in a separate async thread .
Thanks for bouncing the idea back off of me. Other opinions are helpful! The term “low water mark” is new to me so hopefully a bit of searching will yield something useful.
Hi Micahael,
Just a quick curiosity here. I see you use sint 16 everywhere which to my knowledge is of AudioSampleType. Throughout all my project I’ve been using AudioUintSampleType which is 32. Is there an advantage using one of the other?
The reason I was using AudioUnitSampleType was that I read it’s to be used for audio processing.
Hi dubbeat,
The main reason I’m using 16-bit audio is the lower storage and processing requirements – if you use 32-bit audio, then you have to handle double the data per time slice, in return for (for my purposes, anyway) a pretty limited return (greater dynamic resolution). Most audio’s 16-bit anyway, and 32-bit audio is only really useful – to my knowledge, anyway – for top-level professional studio applications.
I personally don’t really see any real benefits of 32-bit over 16, for most applications, although some real audiophiles may disagree.
Great blog. Very helpful posts. Keep up the good work Michael.
so what goes in the // setup audio, etc ?
I’m new to iOS audio. am I in over my head?
Maybe a pointer to a good resource would help? Trying to learn on my own…
Hi Michael,
I implemented your ring buffer in my Recording and Playback callbacks as you have described. It all seems to work fine. However, I would expect that if I changed the length of the buffer kBufferLength to be less than the inNumberFrames parameter, that some of the samples would be skipped. Strangely, this does not occur. Even if I set the length to a value as small as 1, it still works perfectly. How is this possible? What am I missing?
Another thing: As I asked you a few days ago on the discussion about Remote IO, I need this buffer so I can supply my SPEEX codec 160 samples at a time (not 512). I guess I am going to need three ring buffers: One for getting the samples from the Audio Render and using those samples as input for the codec, another one for storing the coded data, and a third one for the decoded data and playback. Is that so?
The most important thing: How am I going to do the synchronization? Whenever the Recording callback is called and 512 samples are supplied, that’s when I call the codec who needs 160 samples. This way, for every 512 samples I get 160. I need to somehow call my codec more often.
Michael, thanks a lot. Your help is invaluable to me.
Hey Stefan,
Oh, that’s my bad – insufficient documentation. I’ve just updated it. It’s due to the way the memory mirroring technique works – the buffer is actually allocated in multiples of the device page size (4096 bytes). So, it finds the lowest page size multiple greater than the buffer size you provide.
I’m afraid I don’t have the spare mental bandwidth to help you with your problem – I suggest talking to the very capable folks on the Core Audio mailing list.
Hello Michael,
This ring buffer seems to work perfectly for sample rate 44100. However, if I change the sample rate od the Remote IO unit to 8000 for example, it still works but I can hear some strange noises (like tiny cracks or interruptions). Do you have any idea where the problem might be? (If I don’t use the ring buffer, but instead I use an ordinary buffer, there is no such problem for 8000Hz)
Thank you again,
Hey Stefan,
Are you using the AudioBufferList utilities, or just the plain functions? If it’s the former, then I’d be interested to either take a look at your code, or even see a sample project that demonstrates the issue – it is relatively young code, and I can’t guarantee there aren’t some edge case issues.
If you’re just using the plain functions, then this is just a dumb pipe for bytes – what those bytes mean doesn’t make any difference to the buffer. I suspect if you’re seeing buffer continuity problems, then they lie in the code that enqueues/dequeues from the buffer.
Either way, I must admit I’d be surprised if the problem lies in the buffer – on balance of probability, I think it’s more likely an issue in the way you’re enqueuing or dequeueing audio.
Actually, I am only using the plain functions. I’ll look into it once more.
I am also planning on trying the AudioBufferList utilities, so I’ll keep you posted if anything unpredictable comes up.
Hey Michael,
Just to let you know I fixed my problem with the unpleasant sound for 8000Hz.
In the playback callback I replaced the line
TPCircularBufferConsume(&THIS->buffer, sampleCount);
TPCircularBufferConsume(&THIS->buffer, MIN(bytesToCopy, availableBytes));
‘MyAudioController’ does not have a member named ‘ioAudioUnit’
Use of undeclared identifier ‘sampleCount’
I have been working on this stuff for a few days now and i swear every time i find something i hit another wall :(. Do you know why i would be getting the above errors? I coppied and pasted the code into its own MyAudioController.m file with a plain MyAudioController.h file. i have tried changing the file to .mm as well as .c just to troubleshoot but that did not help.
I have been adapting the Apple MixerHost sample application to build a small 6 track mixer for an app that lets people remix my songs. My sound files take a long time to load into memory so I was very happy to find your code. It sounds like it will do exactly what I need, however I am having trouble following your example. I assume that I need to remove all the methods that i am using to read the files into memory and then in the inputRenderCallback method, read the audio data out of the circular buffer, but its not clear to me how I do this, not how I let the circular buffer know what files to read in the first place. Do you have an sample code loads two MP3 files into the circular buffer and then plays them?
I can Able to get buffer from audioinputcallback . but Always it return size will be power of two(what ever i set in buffersize property– kAudioSessionProperty_PreferredHardwareIOBufferDuration). i want 1600 bytes for some specific reason .
i referred Some of ur previous post and try to implement circular buffer but stil am unable to get desired bytes. Could u help me to achieve desired byte.
I am using your circular buffer for Audio Unit playback PCM data received from network packages. It works great. Basically, when the app receives incoming data, it calls a method that uses TPCircularBufferHead and TPCircularBufferProduce to insert data into the circular buffer and playing back with TPCircularBufferTail and TPCircularBufferConsume. It works fine if data is continuing coming in. However, if in coming data stops coming in and after several seconds later, data is coming again. Immediately, the availableBytes shows a very large number that is outside the buffer’s size limit and it keeps growing. At the same time, the quality of audio is degrading. Eventually, the app crashes. Any ideas what could the problem be?
Hey aly,
Sounds like you’re not checking and adhering to the available bytes indicator – if you consume more from the buffer than there is, then you’ll bust the buffer’s integrity.
So, always check the number of bytes in the buffer (it’s the number you pass in by reference in TPCircularBufferTail).
If you are, then forgive me – I’ll need to see some code to help you.
The problem is fixed. The cause was there are more than one incoming data streams to a single buffers.
Thanks for your quick response. I thought I use the MIN function. But here is the snippet.
Hi Michael,
thanks for sharing this great code! I have a problem using your ring buffer, though. My app runs perfectly in the simulator, but not on an actual device, where i get a NULL pointer when i expect a fresh buffer from the mic. I have posted a detailed description of my problem on Stack Overflow and i was wondering if you could have a look?
Thank you so much, and keep up the good work!
What happens if you need to handle an interruption? Such examples would be in the event that a microphone is unplugged or if a phone call happens. It seems that all of the audio change route callback examples are at the AV level.
Hey Micheal, I was going over the iOS audio book ( and it referred to a nativ iOS implementation of a ring buffer (located at /Developer/Extras/CoreAudio/PublicUtility).. any reason why you recreated this? any advantages?
Hey – A few reasons, yeah.
Speaking of documentation – I really need to update mine, too =) There’s header docs, but I need to rewrite the programming guide…
Micheal, I’m afraid you forgot to mention one very important advantage of TPCircularBuffer over CARingBuffer: excellent, prompt, and courteous support and feedback from its owner.
Thanks a lot man for the quick response and for your hard work!
Shucks – thank you! =)
Hey Micheal,
I want to use your solution to solve an architectural predicament I’ve visualized here ( My concern with the ring-buffer solution is that data writing and reading on the ring buffer must happen about roughly the same speed. In my scenario I have no guarantee of that happening.. (the host phone is basically receiving audio in real time, and it cannot interrupt the audio reception as it will lose incoming data.. so I cannot control the rate of reception by locking/pausing it etc).. I figured I’ll just play around with the ring buffer size and see if I can hit a spot that works.. And you mentioned it’s 100% thread safe right? so i can read from and write to it from 2 different threads right?
also as a quick note.. this article ( shows that when it comes to real time audio.. there is extremely low tolerance for latency for glitch free performance.. it says that code should be lock free, avoid using free/malloc etc.. and a lot of restrictions.. I wonder what’s your take on all of that vis-a-vis your ring buffer
and one more thing.. how do I declare a TPCircularBuffer property for a class? should it be atomic? you mentioned something about it’s atomicity in your git hub read me that i’m not sure about.
@property (atomic, assign, readwrite) TPCircularBuffer buffer;
I don’t see it mentioned anywhere on the site or in the readme, but is this supposed to run as (OSX) kernel code?
For a Linux userspace program I could use __sync_fetch_and_add() for the atomic add, but it looks like I also need to adapt the virtual memory allocation.
Aside from replacing the OSAtomic routines, it’s as you say – the virtual memory allocation stuff would be the trickiest part of porting it into kernelspace.
Hi Michael…
First of all, thank you for all you have done for the community.
Your post on RemoteIO and ringBuffer has helped me a lot and saved me bunch of times !!
Since you are clearly the best expert on the web about remoteIO that share & help people, I could really use your help about something…
I’m like StefanS trying to create a VOIP application using speex. As you must know speex only accept 160 samples for encoding…
Before trying to send data from one device to another, I’m trying to get the input / encode / decode / send to the output, on the same device…
I tried before without the ringBuffer, my voice sounded like Darth Vador… Then I have realised (still not sure I’m right about it though) it was because RemoteIO gave me not 160 but 185 / 186 samples.
I have then decided to try out your ring Buffer. but now it is just random sound (I can’t even hear my voice in the background…)
Here’s my recording and playing callbacks
static OSStatus recordingCallback (
void *inRefCon,
AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags,
const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp,
UInt32 inBusNumber,
UInt32 inNumberFrames,
AudioBufferList *ioData)
PMVOIPAudioUnit *THIS = (PMVOIPAudioUnit *)inRefCon;
static OSStatus playingCallback (
void *inRefCon,
AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags,
const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp,
UInt32 inBusNumber,
UInt32 inNumberFrames,
AudioBufferList *ioData)
PMVOIPAudioUnit *THIS = (PMVOIPAudioUnit *)inRefCon;
Here’s the encoding / decoding function (called in a background thread)
- (void) decompressAudio {
NSAutoreleasePool pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSLog(@"Starting to decompress audio");
int32_t availableBytes;
int32_t realSize = 0;
while (1) {
SInt16 *buffer = (short *)TPCircularBufferTail(&EncodedBuffer, &availableBytes);
realSize = MIN(62, availableBytes);
if (buffer == NULL || realSize < 62) {
NSLog(@"DECOMPRESS AUDIO / Not enough data to decode: %i", realSize);
spx_int16_t *decomp = decodeSpeex((char)buffer, 62);
(void) EncodeAudio
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSLog(@"Starting to Encode audio");
int32_t availableBytes;
while (1) {
SInt16 *buffer = (short *)TPCircularBufferTail(&TPbuffer, &availableBytes);
int32_t realSize = MIN(160, availableBytes);
if (buffer == NULL || realSize < 160) {
NSLog(@"Does not fit speex needs: %i", realSize);
[pool release];
The usleep here is just use to test out… removing it or changing it’s value doesn’t change the fact that I’m hearing random sounds…
And finally Here’s my audio init function
- (void) initAudio {
try {
enc_state = speex_encoder_init(&speex_nb_mode);
dec_state = speex_decoder_init(&speex_nb_mode);
int quality = 10;
speex_encoder_ctl(enc_state, SPEEX_SET_QUALITY, &quality);
int tmp=1;
speex_decoder_ctl(dec_state, SPEEX_SET_ENH, &tmp);
I now There is a lot of code to read, but I’m really desperate to find an answer to this… you will see that most of the code is coming from your blog, so you won’t be lost.
If I manage to make it work (with you help), I have the intention to write a full tutorial on how use remoteIO in order to create a VOIP Application…
Thanks for your help,
Hi Michael,
I’m a little confused with a few things:
1. where are you defining ‘sampleCount’?
2. I am getting the following error: “Cannot initialize a variable of type SInt16 * (aka short *) with an rvalue of type ‘void *’…from my experience this is somehow related to ARC, but I have disabled that in my AudioSetup class. Here is the code from above:
static OSStatus audioOutputCallback(void *inRefCon,
AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags,
const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp,
UInt32 inBusNumber,
UInt32 inNumberFrames,
AudioBufferList *ioData) {
MANAudioComponent *THIS = (MANAudioComponent *)inRefCon;
Thanks, any help would be appreciated!
Hi Michael,
Thanks so much for this.
I’ve been able to get the above code working.
Am I able to use TPCircularBuffer as a saved buffer?
For example, I click record in my app -> the data is recorded into TPCircularBuffer.
I stop the recording. Then I click play to play back from this particular TPCircularBuffer. Is this possible or is this not the intended purpose?
I’ve been trying to do this but my playback callback is giving me screeches and jitters.
If I do it “live” (ie hit record and play) I can hear what I’m recording. This I guess is the intended purpose of the code you posted up there.
Here’s my code. it’s based on yours. I’m trying to play the samples from rio->buffer.
Thank you.
Hi Michael,
thanks for publishing TPCircularBuffer, it works really well!
I found a strange problem today, when i created a static library containing TPCircularBuffer and my ow classes. The app crashes at the memcpy() call in TPCircularBufferProduceBytes when using the static lib. In the “debug” project that directly contains the class files, everything is fine. I’m using only one thread for the producer and 2nd for the consumer. It’s really strange – do you have an idea what could be the reason?
Has anyone used multiple instances of TPCircularBuffer in an app? It works well in my app where only one buffer was used.
I have, what issues are you having?
It turned out it was my mistake. Thanks for response.
I’m writing a VOIP based iPhone app, used a few examples from your site and its helped me a lot. I’ve hit a road block, I was using this circular buffer but our system needs to have minimal latency, I was getting a long latency and tried to write my own. The latency improved quite a bit (450 miliseconds down to 120) but I have a weird issue now where any time a user touches the screen the audio stream glitches. This doesn’t happen with your circular buffer and I can’t figure out why.
I have posted a stackoverflow question here:
If you could take a look i’d really appreciate it as I’ve been working on this for days and just can’t spot it. I’m guessing its some kind of threading issue but I just can’t see it.
Thanks a lot for sharing the circular buffer implementation; easy to use, and fast.
For the benefit of those who want to use the circular buffer for playing large audio files while processing PCM samples, I created a sample application:
Some replies @
Hello I’m developing a user space coreaudio driver ( audioserverplugin). The plugin is loaded by core audio daemon just once when it starts. My driver initiates a thread that reads audio from shared memory (the driver is a virtual microphone which routes audio from my application to others), and places it in a circular buffer to be consumed when coreaudio daemon requests the audio by sample number. Aside from the advantages of a circular buffer you just mentioned, another reason I use it is because coreaudio wants samples in groups of 512, while my application produces in groups of 1470 (44100/30 times a second)
Currently I use a very simple circular buffer and ignore the sample number coreaudio specifies always reading ahead . This works perfectly fine when there is only one application using the driver. However when multiple apps use it, it sounds bad for both apps because coreaudio daemon is making one request for each application and each is looking at the same circular buffer taking turns to read and move the read head forward.
So basically I need a circular buffer that one producer and multiple consumer where the consumers may need to access the data by index anywhere up to the write head. Is this possible with you circular buffer?