We’ve just released The Cartographer version 1.1!
New features include:
- Bulk-download offline maps
- View placemarks in a list, mass-publish placemarks, and search placemarks
- Search the map for street names, towns, landmarks and more
Our biggest and most-requested new feature is offline map downloading — now, you can select a whole map region to download, and a level of detail, and The Cartographer will download the entire street map to your iPhone, for viewing offline. This video shows how it works.
The second main new feature is map searching, so you can search for places by name. A tap converts search results to placemarks you can add to your map.
Bulk placemark publishing lets you make lots of placemarks while you’re away from Internet access, and then when you have Internet access, publish them to your map all at once.
And finally, a new list view shows you all placemarks on your map, ordered by how far away they are. You can also search your placemarks by their name or description.
We hope you like The Cartographer 1.1! We sure do.
Grab it on the iPhone App Store for $3.99.