After a long hiatus, it’s time for a new version of AutoRate!
AutoRate 1.5.0 introduces a new, more sophisticated rating formula, thanks to the fantastic efforts of Brandon Mol (read about his changes here). It’s still currently in beta, until it can be confidently dubbed bug free.
Download the AutoRate 1.5.0 beta over at the Google Code project.
Update: Beta 2 now available, which fixes a bug with the min/max rating setting.
please download this.
remember when i said "some of my ideas hadn't been implemente, yet?", i can scratch of #63 now! Have you seen Firefly media-server? Thought about adding support to that, I had a small hack on my website which kept a top-10 list of what people who visited my site listened to… until a script kiddie took my server down… and now my ISP refuses to give me an unrestricted IP… </sigh>
Nyaa nyaa ;) I haven't, nope…Bummer bout the thing. Needs more securities!
yeah, thank you!
Beta 3 is up. =)