I have an upcoming iPhone application, Cartographer, that is highly stylised and requires high customisation of the interface to achieve a convincing, beautiful vintage look. To make it work, I needed transparent toolbars and navigation bars for my UIViewController-based views.
The solution I came up with for this was to implement a category on UINavigationBar and UIToolbar, and overriding drawRect:
with a method that does absolutely nothing. Then I can place my own textures behind the bar, and they’ll be seen, instead of the default bar background.
@interface UINavigationBar (TransparentAdditions) @end @implementation UINavigationBar (TransparentAdditions) - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { // Do nothing! } @end |
For UIToolBar, if you’re using it within a UINavigationController, you’ll want to also override drawLayer:inContext:
, as this appears to be used instead of drawRect:
when used within a navigation controller, for some weird reason.
Note that this method will affect all bars in your app. If you only want some bars to be transparent, you’ll need to do a little objc-hocus-pocus. Thanks to Mike Ash for this solution on method replacement (read that article for the whys and hows). This technique replaces the default methods as before, but keeps track of the defaults. If you now set the tintColor
of the bar to [UIColor clearColor]
, the bar will have a transparent background. Otherwise, it’ll just look the same as usual.
For UIToolbar (same principle for UINavigationBar):
#import // Keep track of default implementation static void (*_origDrawRect)(id, SEL, CGRect); static void (*_origDrawLayerInContext)(id, SEL, CALayer*, CGContextRef); // Override for drawRect: static void OverrideDrawRect(UIToolbar *self, SEL _cmd, CGRect r) { if ( [[self tintColor] isEqual:[UIColor clearColor]] ) { // Do nothing } else { // Call default method _origDrawRect(self, _cmd, r); } } // Override for drawLayer:inContext: static void OverrideDrawLayerInContext(UIToolbar *self, SEL _cmd, CALayer *layer, CGContextRef context) { if ( [[self tintColor] isEqual:[UIColor clearColor]] ) { // Do nothing } else { // Call default method _origDrawLayerInContext(self, _cmd, layer, context); } } @implementation UIToolbar (TransparentAdditions) + (void)load { // Replace methods, keeping originals Method origMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self, @selector(drawRect:)); _origDrawRect = (void *)method_getImplementation(origMethod); if(!class_addMethod(self, @selector(drawRect:), (IMP)OverrideDrawRect, method_getTypeEncoding(origMethod))) method_setImplementation(origMethod, (IMP)OverrideDrawRect); origMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(self, @selector(drawLayer:inContext:)); _origDrawLayerInContext = (void *)method_getImplementation(origMethod); if(!class_addMethod(self, @selector(drawLayer:inContext:), (IMP)OverrideDrawLayerInContext, method_getTypeEncoding(origMethod))) method_setImplementation(origMethod, (IMP)OverrideDrawLayerInContext); } @end |
You can now add background texture to the bars in a number of ways. These are two I’ve used:
- By adding a CALayer to
[bar layer]
— but note that UINavigationBar will try to add elements at index 0, underneath your background. To make this work, I provided a subclassed CALayer (and overrode UINavigationBar’s+layer
method) which only lets you insert layers at index 0, via a custom method, and overrideinsertLayer:atIndex:
method, setting index to 1 if it’s 0. UIToolbar doesn’t require this. - Or, by adding a CALayer to your view layer. Note that the view’s bounds do not cover the UINavigationBar; I had to offset the layer by the height of the bar in question (
navigationBarLayer.frame = CGRectMake(0, -self.navigationController.navigationBar.frame.size.height, [barImage size].width, [barImage size].height);
, for example), and setself.view.clipsToBounds = NO
to allow the layer to be seen.
Of course, you can also draw the texture in drawRect:
, instead. It’s entirely up to you. The advantage in using a CALayer
is that it can overlap the view boundary, for effects like drop shadows.
Pingback: Transparente UINavigationBar - versatilemind.com
Awesome, I search a technique to customize the buttons and UINavigationBar but in vain ! I’m newbies in Objective-C and XCode, could you please provide me a source code of this technique ?
If you want I am a GUI designer, we could share our knowledge?
Is this allowed in the App Store?
I can’t imagine why not – it doesn’t use any private libraries, so it should be perfectly legal
This used to work xcode in 4.1 but in xcode 4.2, it doesnt make it transparent anymore. Any ideas?
@interface UIToolbar (TransparentAdditions)@end
@implementation UIToolbar (TransparentAdditions)
(void)OverrideDrawRect:(CGRect)rect {
// Do nothing!
(void)OverrideDrawLayer:(CALayer *)layer inContext:(CGContextRef)ctx {
// Do nothing
I noticed that, too, but haven’t had time to look into it yet. I’d love to hear if you find a solution. I’ll update this post if I find it first, though.
It seems that the condition in
if(!class_addMethod(self, @selector(drawLayer:inContext:), (IMP)OverrideDrawLayerInContext, method_getTypeEncoding(origMethod)))
method_setImplementation(origMethod, (IMP)OverrideDrawLayerInContext);
evaluates to false, so
never gets called.how did you create your buttons like the picture please?
That’s a UIButton within a UIBarButtonItem
Can you please elaborate your answer? Actually I need to implement something like this only. So was in need of some solutions.
Can you tell me,how to add toolbar item at the bottom line in the uitoolbar and not in the middle?
thank you so much~~
Method swizzling on UIKit classes (or any class you don’t own the implementation of ) is highly, strongly, extremely discouraged. Not by me – by ex-Apple luminaries such as Matt Drance and Evan Doll. You app WILL break with new versions of the OS.
It certainly doesn’t seem like something one should typically do – but is there any realistic alternative? Aside from writing our own UIKit, that is ;-)
Why not use inheritance to override the methods you want to replace on these classes? Replacing these methods with categories or method swizzling seems pretty dangerous and unnecessary…
Hi Robert,
I’m afraid this is stretching my memory, now, but I do remember there were several issues with subclassing instead that turned out to be insurmountable. One of them was that there’s no way to provide UINavigationController with a custom UINavigationBar aside from within Interface Builder, and I’m not sure there’s any way to provide a custom UIToolBar. There were some more problems, but I can’t for the life of me remember what they were – I really should’ve documented them here, but I didn’t. Bad me.
Still, if you do (or have done) this successfully, I’d love to hear it.
Very nice example how to legally change framework defaults. I guess this would be the way to turn off default Google Maps in MapKit and replace it with OSM. the question is how much time this would take to correclty find out how :) thanks for inspiration. Do you turn off Google Maps in Cartographer when you use OSM ?
Hi Dave,
Actually, no, this approach would not work with something as complex as changing MapKit tile sources (essentially reimplementing MapKit). The Cartographer (and, as far as I know, most any other app that uses alternative tile sources) uses the Route Me library.
thanks,but route me can’t use goole maps legally, right?
That’s right, yep
in mapkit there is just mktilemap view with draw as well,
i am able to switch off base maps using undocumenetd func.
In iOS 5 Apple introduced some methods to customize the toolbar, in particular
[toolbar setBackgroundImage:[[[UIImage alloc]init]autorelease] forToolbarPosition:UIToolbarPositionAny barMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];
does the trick.Cheers, Thomas – this is definitely the best solution. When used in conjunction with the method mentioned on this page (with a check for iOS version), it works great for both 5.0 and pre-5.0.
Can you tell me what the correct image resolutions are for navigation bar backgrounds? I’ve found the resoutions for pretty much all the other elements on Apple’s Custom Icon and Image Creation Guidelines page, but I couldn’t seem to find anything for pixel sizes on navigation bar background images.
http://lmgtfy.com?q=uinavigationbar%20dimensions ;-)
Thanks for the thorough article. I’m using this technique now, but you mentioned that one of the advantages of adding CALayer to the view layer is that you can apply drop shadows. This is true, but I find that on scrollable views, what’s supposed to be the nav bar layer actually scrolls with the rest of the view. How do you handle that?
That’s odd, Daniel – are you sure you’re adding the CALayer as a sublayer of the navigation bar’s layer? It’ll only scroll with the scroll view if it’s a subview of the scroll view, which it shouldn’t be.
I added it to the view’s layer so I could apply a nice drop shadow gradient underneath. The controller’s view is actually a UITableView, so I was able to override layoutSubviews and use CATransaction to keep the background at the top. Sweet solution for what I’m up to. Thanks for the tips,
form what I understood it’s highly discouraged to act like this because at run time you are not sure about which method is called.
A part of this thanks for the article, I’m trying to do pretty much the same thing. I need to animate my UINavigationBar between two colors, I thought the best way is to work with CALayer animation but I can get it done.
Good article anyway a bit complex but interesting way of doing this, did your application never crash?