A significant update to my WordPress theme, Elegant Grunge, has been released. New features and fixes include:
- Configurable sidebars! Choose from no sidebar, a sidebar on the right (the standard layout), or a double sidebar on the right!
- Support for WP 2.7 paginated and threaded comments
- Support for a custom header image – just enter a URL to an image, typically a transparent PNG, and it will appear in the header instead of the text (SEO friendly)
- Some bug, compatibility and i18n fixes
Note: If you have problems with this theme, please post your question at the WordPress forums. Please don’t contact me directly, as I don’t have the resources to help you.
Nice theme. I can’t seem to get the comments to work on the pages. I am using WP 2.7 and EG 1.03. The comments option is simply not there on published pages. Am I overlooking something simple?
Oh, I forget to mention that I do have the allow comments boxed checked, but it doesn’t work.
Another question: Is it possible to configure the photoblog widget in a way that it doesn’t load the full images each time in the background? It does create loads of traffic, even if people don’t look at the pics…
Nice work! Thanks a lot for this fantastic theme!
Love the theme, but can’t seem to get the Comments Working on the various pages.
I have the comments enabled, and I have downloaded your plug-in. No luck with getting it working. I am using WP 2.7.1
Any suggestions?
Glad you like it! This should give you an idea of how to add comments to pages.
Hey there!
How come my time is not showing up the way it should?
I always see (example) "Februar 22nd, 2009 at %H:%M" ?!
This is the code snipet (it's partly German):
<?php printf(__('Dieser Eintrag wurde geschrieben am %1$s at %2$s', 'elegant-grunge'), get_the_time(__('l, F jS, Y', 'elegant-grunge')), get_the_time());
Any solutions? Thanks!