Due to popular demand, I’m making available the Elegant Grunge PSD, so that users can make modifications more easily. It can be downloaded here (5.5 Mb):
A note on contacting me: Please don’t make direct contact asking about customisation, as I don’t have the resources to help you. These kind of questions should be directed to the WordPress forums. Thanks!
If you like Elegant Grunge, please consider buying one of my products.
THANK YOU! I am just starting out with my very first website and am a bit overwhelmed, this is a big relief. I’ll be adapting this theme for my web comic, Imaginary Real World. thanks again :)
Hello Mike,
thanks for this big gift. I really love elegant grunge, it the best wordpress theme I ever saw. Really amazing.
Mike, is it allowed to modify this theme and share it? For free of course!
Thanks and regards
With this .psd I will try to change something. :)
Sure, Florian, go ahead – as long as your modifications are GPL’d and freely available, it’s absolutely fine.
Hey there Michael,
I’m using your template on my new blog and I wanted to ask you if you can tell me how to adjust the size of the headlines of every single post. They seem to large for my taste, but I’m quite bad at css, so maybe you can give me a hint via mail or by comment on my blog. Thanks a lot.
Amazing theme! I wonder if you ever thought doing it with two columms (actually, three)?
Thanks, Ana! Well, it already includes a three-column mode (main content, then two right sidebars). Was there anything else you had in mind?
what I had in mind! thanks :)
Cool =) You’ll need to select ‘Double right sidebar’ for ‘Page setup’ of Elegant Grunge settings, under Appearance in WordPress Admin.
Hey…Thanks for sharing your theme. I have tried several wp themes and so far I love elegant-grunge the best. The css is very well organized and clean… makes it nice for customization. Thanks again!
hey man. I just hooked up two friends with your theme… it’s installed automatically when you install WP on any dreamhost site.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for making this theme and also making it available to download! It’s a spectacular theme and I gave it to one of my clients who adores it!
If you need anything at all (aussie web hosting, seo services, etc) please hit me up! http://www.andrewknight.com.au – Just use the contact top right or the email in this comment.
Keep rockin’!
– Andrew
Hello Mike,
I am an italian professional comic artist and this is the blog of one of my series, with a modified version of your theme.
(enjoy and I’d be really happy if you posted a comment :) )
Hello Michael,
thanks for your visit on my blog!
I followed your suggestions, installed lightbox and downloaded the french package, but while lightbox works perfectly, the french translation doesn’t.
I’ve simply moved .mo and .po files into the language folder. What’s wrong?
Hi! You’ll need to put the translation files in the elegant grunge folder (wp-content/themes/elegant-grunge) – that should do the trick! Let me know how you go.
Very nice WP theme !Good work.
Hi Michael, have been using Patricia Muller’s Connections for a few years, but when moving to a new provider, there was also a WP update and i didn’t like the new Connections.. and then found your elegant grunge. it’s just great! thank you :-)
Brilliant! Thank you very much!!
With inspiration from http://wefunction.com/?
Yes indeed, as I mention on the theme page
Ahh, my bad. Sorry about that; I didn’t see that page.
That’s cool! We gotta look out for other designers, way too much uncredited poaching happening these days. I had a laugh at your brand fail pic. Absolutely classic.
Haha, thanks! It was sure quite the sight that morning :-P
Nice to have a psd. But I have no idea how to save my changes so that I can put them in the theme. And all the text in the psd.. What to do about it..? Any help for a newbie?
Hello – You’ll need to turn off the ‘content’ layers prior to exporting, then you can pretty much export the slices, at least in theory. I’ve been selecting, copying and pasting then saving manually, because I’m a bit weird. Make sure you name the saved images the same as the originals. If you need further assistance, I suggest you seek it in the WP forums. Good luck!
Cool-looking theme man. I’m going to try to mod it to match my colors, but leave it mostly as is.
One question: I’m on a mac and the photos in your posts have this white tab on top that covers part of the text (like in this post). Is that intentional?
Hi babel; this sounds like a compatibility problem – what web browser are you using?
on a mac using 10.3.9 with firefox
Ahh, yep, this is a known issue. I haven’t had time to work on it yet, I’m afraid, but I’m aware of it and have plans to fix it up.
Hey, thanks for the great theme, man!
Excellent Theme! Thank you very much!
Nice Work!
I am using the theme with a PNG file in the header, and I notice that when I am on a post page (ie: not a page, or list) that the header graphic disappears…
Hmmm…silly me. I had not given the full url in the theme options panel. (assumed it was relative to /uploads) So, on a post, it was trying to look in /archives/ for the image but on a page it was looking in wp-content/uploads.
Working now
— how do i get back 1 and a half hours of my life now?