Amazing theme and very interesting website Michael!
A very non web-techie question. How to widen the middle middle section of the theme in the appearance editor?
hello, check out the blog page of my site. I have mod. your theme. I absolutely love it. Though I would like the Title to be smaller font size.
Hope you like it too.
I found your site from a comment someone made on my blog and I have to say I really like this layout you have here. I have always been a fan of the grunge look and feel. Very nice work.
Great template, thank you for making it. I was wondering if there's a way to widen the body of the text. I'm thinking my articles are going to have two columns to them and want it to be wide enough to be readable with the dual-column setup. (also if you know how to set up two columns within one blog post that would also be helpful)
Thanks for this theme and the PSD files. Just converted my static fatherhood blog to a WP yesterday. I wanted a blog with an organic feel to keep the static site’s original feel, which was like a notebook.I swapped out the header image, changed the css styling and cleaned up the “grunge” a bit as I wanted a more subtle look. Your template saved me so much time. I could see myself using this template for other projects because it’s so easy to trick out.Thanks a bunch.
i modified the elegant grunge theme ‘winter-like’. I made a x-mas-version too. It’s not finished. I will change the grey background in ice the next days. Great theme. Thanks.
Do you know of any issues with IE not centering a custom Header Image? I’ve checked around before asking you and know one seems to know why. I uploaded it using the field in the theme options and haven’t touched the CSS. Everything else stays centered (nav menu, content, footer, etc) just not the header image and IE is the ONLY one that left justifies it.
Hi Michael, it seems that both Firefox 4.0.1 and Google Chrome 11.0.696.71 have broken your Elegant Grunge theme. The content from the right column has for one reason or another moved to the bottom of the left column. Any idea how to fix this?
Also, in addition, changing the IE compatibily mode in a meta tag works, but is not an option as it messes with other plug-ins on my website and causes them to display incorrectly.
July 7, 2012 at 10:44 pm
Hi Mike!
I am using the free Elegant Grunge theme in WordPress. I love it as it´s very original. I would just like to change the font size for post titles, which is huge. Any way to do that?
Amazing theme and very interesting website Michael!
A very non web-techie question. How to widen the middle middle section of the theme in the appearance editor?
nice theme with camera :)
hello, check out the blog page of my site. I have mod. your theme. I absolutely love it. Though I would like the Title to be smaller font size.
Hope you like it too.
Thank you so much for the feature and for the inspiration :)
cool! I also used the elegant grundge theme and customize it… you can check:
Beautiful, Renan! I love it!
I particularly like the landscape at the bottom of the page, very nice touch.
I found your site from a comment someone made on my blog and I have to say I really like this layout you have here. I have always been a fan of the grunge look and feel. Very nice work.
thanks to you man ! great template ! i love it.
Great template, thank you for making it. I was wondering if there's a way to widen the body of the text. I'm thinking my articles are going to have two columns to them and want it to be wide enough to be readable with the dual-column setup. (also if you know how to set up two columns within one blog post that would also be helpful)
Thx mate for that wonderful theme, awesome, simple, just coool
Check mine out
still adding some stuff..
Love your elegant grunge theme. Been looking for something not too heavy, nice font, borders images, and shows off my photos just right.
Hi Michael,
Great to see how others have adapted your wonderful Elegant Grudge template for their blogs!
I have a modified version of your template on my new blog:
A big thank you for making the PSD file available, it really helped to blend the look with the rest of my site!
Love to hear your thoughts on what I have done.
Thanks for this theme and the PSD files. Just converted my static fatherhood blog to a WP yesterday. I wanted a blog with an organic feel to keep the static site’s original feel, which was like a notebook.I swapped out the header image, changed the css styling and cleaned up the “grunge” a bit as I wanted a more subtle look. Your template saved me so much time. I could see myself using this template for other projects because it’s so easy to trick out.Thanks a bunch.
For what I’ve been looking for the Elegant grunge theme has almost everything I could have wanted.
I’m still not 100% with the modifications at the moment but it’s difficult for someone who has no idea what they are doing.
Great theme, tried loads and |i know this is the best one for me, thank you Mr Tyson, Sir.
Hi @ all,
i modified the elegant grunge theme ‘winter-like’. I made a x-mas-version too. It’s not finished. I will change the grey background in ice the next days. Great theme. Thanks.
Feel free to comment…
I have used the elegant grunge theme for my blog. I have modified the theme ..
welcome to my blog:
Thank you for template!
You should check this guys out:
My: (flash in header)
Do you know of any issues with IE not centering a custom Header Image? I’ve checked around before asking you and know one seems to know why. I uploaded it using the field in the theme options and haven’t touched the CSS. Everything else stays centered (nav menu, content, footer, etc) just not the header image and IE is the ONLY one that left justifies it.
I’m afraid I haven’t noticed that, Mike – Would you mind posting a link to a page showing the problem? Sorry about the respond delay!
Hi Michael, it seems that both Firefox 4.0.1 and Google Chrome 11.0.696.71 have broken your Elegant Grunge theme. The content from the right column has for one reason or another moved to the bottom of the left column. Any idea how to fix this?
Same issue where the header justifies left in IE only. Shows up fine in Chrome and FireFox.
Website example is
Also, in addition, changing the IE compatibily mode in a meta tag works, but is not an option as it messes with other plug-ins on my website and causes them to display incorrectly.
Hi Mike!
I am using the free Elegant Grunge theme in WordPress. I love it as it´s very original. I would just like to change the font size for post titles, which is huge. Any way to do that?