Loopy is 2 months old!
More interestingly, it’s just passed the $4000 AUD ($2640 USD, or $2050 EUR – stupid Australian dollar!) earnings point, which works out at about $500 a week. For essentially a niche app, I’m pretty damn happy.
I can’t think of any other marketplace in history where almost anyone can jump in with an idea and a little ability, and come out with something resembling a salary almost immediately. I can’t imagine the indie lifestyle has ever been more attainable.
Apple have done something amazing here, in creating a marketplace fully equipped with their mature infrastructure, their brand, and most importantly, their enormous user base. They’re basically giving developers the fruits of all the work they’ve done over the past decades in building Apple’s brand and customer base (in return for 30% of sales, of course!).
Now that’s some profitable symbiosis. Apple – thank you.
Yes, that is amazing. Congratulations. Any plans on what to do with the extra cash?
By the way, that is some inflation.
Thanks! Oh, it’ll fund our decadent European lifestyle, I’d say.
By June, maybe the Aussie dollar will have recovered to the point where $500/week will buy us half a teabag or so to live on.
"Little ability"? "Little ability"?? Man, you're a freaking genius, don't be too humble ahah ;)
Cheers, Andrea ;)
How’s it going these days?
Surely the exchange rate would be helping you out more now.
Absolutely – every time we see the GBP-AUD exchange rate, there’s much glee =)