Loopy: Finalist for the 2008 Best App Ever awards!
<div style="float: right;margin: 5px;width: 80px;background-color: #242426;padding: 5px;border: 3px solid #731616"><a href="http://bestappever.com/v/moui/300257824/vote" target="_blank"><img src="http://bestappever.com/images/bae-small.png" width="80" border="0" class="noframe"></a><span style="font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size: 9pt;line-height: 12pt;text-align:center;color: #d9d9d9">Vote for<br /><b>Loopy</b><br />in<br /><b>Most Original User Interface</b><br /></span><a href="http://bestappever.com/v/moui/300257824/vote" target="_blank"><img src="http://bestappever.com/images/button_vote.png" border="0" class="noframe" /></a></div>
Loopy has made it into the Best Musical Instrument and Most Original User Interface categories as a finalist of the Best App Ever Awards, and could really use your help! The winners are announced at the 2009 Macworld Expo on 7th January, and 10 runners up are eligible for the ‘Best App Ever’ award.
Please vote, and encourage others to vote as well, if you think Loopy is worthy!
You can vote for Loopy in Most Original User Interface and Best Musical Instrument by clicking the ‘Vote’ buttons at the right.
You can vote once in each category. Voting ends 6th January.
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