Update 2: Jon reports that he’s improved on Carsten’s 1.3 version, and has released Version 1.4!
Update: Carsten Dobschat has continued the fine tradition and improved the importer further, adding support for extended posts, and tags. Grab S9Y importer version 1.3 over at his site.
In the process of merging this site from Serendipity over to WordPress, I came across an importer which lets me migrate the data across. Unfortunately it was a bit buggy, not properly assigning categories and timing out when processing the post data.
I made some improvements, and here’s the new version, if anyone else finds it useful:
Sounds nice :) Migrating from S9Y to WP has been on my todo-list for quite some time. Hopefully, I’ll get around to do that soon. :)
Been using your updated Serendity importer and I worked really well for my almost 200 posts and about the same number of comments. Thanks for the update mate… I would have been hell doing this by myself.
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Thanks for this! I used 1.3 and that worked a charm :)
Hey, dropping you a line to let you know that I’ve come up with a even more slightly improved “1.4” version. http://snowulf.com/2010/06/11/serendipity-to-wordpress-post-import/
Nice one, Jon! I’ve linked to it in the post, above.
Hi Jon, does it keep the Permalinks? I’m bit worried I’ll loose indexed pages in Google and co. Sounds like an excellent piece of coding!
The layout of WordPress and S9y are different. Really no way to make them the same. That being said, you can re-write all the old URL’s to the new location. I wrote up a post detailing all the url rewrites I used to get everything pushed over. It should cover most every request, but… s9y was not good at all when it comes to keeping URLs to one format (at least in my experience).
If you don’t understand mod_write, it’s going to be a bit of gibberish unfortunately. I did add some basic comments to explain though.
Hope that helps.
The other thing that may help is my Smart 404 plugin which does its best to redirect busted URLs. I wrote it to help me sort things out during a blog changeover.
Thanks Jon, Michael. I’m gradually moving toward this. Just looking at how to keep my image captions now. I might just cheat and keep some of the CSS!
Or use the easy way: How to export s9y to WordPress