Browsing Core Data databases using F-Script
F-Script, the Cocoa-based scripting environment, now provides some great tools for exploring Core Data databases.
I couldn’t figure out how to easily open up my databases, other than manually creating a managed object model, then a persistent store coordinator, then a managed object context on the console. I couldn’t find any existing tools, and I wanted a quick workflow for opening up my databases, so I put together a script that prompts for the application bundle or .xcdatamodel(d)
data model file, then prompts for the XML (.xml
), binary (.binary
) or SQLite (.sql
or anything else) database file, and opens up the inspector.
I wrote it as an Applescript that just calls upon F-Script to evaluate the script, and saved it in an application bundle so I can pull it up quickly.
Here it is:
It just needs the F-Script app to be available.
Upon opening, the managed object context is available on the console as “context
“. So, aside from using F-Script’s object browser, you can also do things like:
> request := (NSFetchRequest alloc) init > request setEntity:(NSEntityDescription entityForName:'MyEntity' inManagedObjectContext:context) > request setPredicate:(NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:'type = 3') > result := context executeFetchRequest:request error:nil > result _PFArray { (entity: MyEntity; id: 0x20064c9e0 ; data: ), (entity: MyEntity; id: 0x20064c9c0 ; data: ), (entity: MyEntity; id: 0x200651180 ; data: ) ... |
Update: Now has better error reporting, and the option to load classes from a bundle.
For those interested, here’s the original F-Script:
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