I’m pleased to present The Cartographer Clipper, the perfect accompaniment to The Cartographer!
The Clipper is a bookmarklet that works in any modern web browser, and lets you clip information from any website — hotel directories, restaurant websites, even forum postings — to Google My Maps. Addresses are auto-discovered via some super-sleuthing magic, images pulled out and any selected text is placed into the description.
You can save to an existing map, or create a new one on the spot.
It’s great for doing travel or errand research — find a good hostel (or just the closest Apple store!), just click the “Clipper” button, then “Save”, and it’ll appear on your maps in The Cartographer, all automatically.
It’s free for use, and all it needs is any modern web browser, and a Google account.
Install The Cartographer Clipper here.
It’s still in beta, so do let me know if you have any trouble!
ARRGGHH!! We used Cartographer for a 4-month trip through Asia and are planning the next trip, to Europe for six weeks this fall. My husband just had me try to install Cartographer on this computer. We are SO sorry to hear you are retiring it! Any hope for the future or any suggestions for finding similar capability? Thanks.
I’m sorry about that Sandy! Yes, I’m afraid its time has come – it was a hard decision though.
You can still use Cartographer on the other iPhone, if you know how to transfer the app from one to the other using iTunes. Otherwise, I’m afraid I haven’t done a great deal of research on alternatives – but do let me know if you find any promising candidates!
All the best,